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建筑物结构健康诊断评定方法探讨? Research on Method for Building Structure Health Diagnoses 摘 要:针对目前在既有建筑物健康诊断过程中,所采用的方法不统一、具有一定随机性的现状,结合某工程的实践,对安全性评定的具体实施中混凝土强度检测、结构复核验算方法等方面进行了探讨。 Abstract: Research on aspects like method for concrete strength inspection and structural checking computation during the practical implement of safety evaluation on existing buildings has been conducted, in regard to the current status of non-uniform and random method being used on building health diagnoses, with an example of a practical project. 关键词:建筑物 健康诊断 结构安全性 评定方法 Key Words: Building, Health Diagnoses, Structural Safety, Evaluation Method 中图分类号:TU375 CLC Number: TU375 在工程实践中,经常会出现已有建筑物在使用一定年限后发生混凝土结构开裂等的情况,其成因往往很复杂,即有可能是设计的原因,也有可能是施工措施或采用建筑材料不当等造成的。为了确定该建筑物是否可以继续使用或需采取的加固补强措施,必须确切了解其结构健康状况,进行相应的安全性评定。在工程实践中,常规方法为先对建筑物结构的现有质量状况进行检测,然后根据检测结果复核结构的安全性,但由于目前的规范[1] [2]过于笼统,在检测构件数量、部位,结构复核计算方法等方面缺少相应具体的执行标准,在实际工程具有一定的随机性[3]。本文针对这一状况,结合某一工程探讨了既有建筑物健康诊断中的混凝土强度检测、结构复核验算的合理方法。 It normally occurs that cracks appear on concrete structures of existing buildings after using for a certain years. The reasons for that are usually quite complicated, some might be caused by faults on design, and some resulted from inaccurate construction measure or inappropriate use of construction material. In order to determine whether the building can be put into use continuously or reinforcement and strengthen measure should be adopted, the structural health status must be known accurately, as to make corresponding safety evaluation. In project practice, a conventional method is to inspect the current quality status of building structure, then check the structure safety as per the inspection result. However, since present codes [1] [2] being too general, method for component quantity and position inspection, as well as structural checking computation lack of specific executive standard, which being quite random in actual project[3]. In this thesis, reasonable method for concrete strength inspection and structural checking computation on building health diagnoses has been discussed toward such status, with example of a practical project.


上一条:著名文学翻译家杨绛去世 下一条:旅游行业